
#479 Why are university degrees called a bachelor’s, a master’s and a doctorate?

Why are university degrees called a bachelor’s, a master’s and a doctorate? They were named after the people who were trying to get those degrees. Universities have been around since the 9th century. The University of Al-Karaouine in Morocco is considered to be the first university in the world. Some people say that this university

#479 Why are university degrees called a bachelor’s, a master’s and a doctorate? Read More »

#462 When were glasses invented?

When were glasses invented? The first wearable glasses were invented in Italy in the 13th century, but the Romans were using spheres of glass for magnification thirteen hundred years earlier. There are two types of eye problem that require correction with glasses. These are myopia (near-sightedness) and hyperopia (far-sightedness). When you are myopic, the light from

#462 When were glasses invented? Read More »