- #1265 Are cryonics possible?
- #1264 How many types of plastic are there?
- #1263 What were the ratlines?
- #1262 Why are some oils healthier than others?
- #1261 What are self-healing materials?
- #1260 What is the Domesday book?
- #1259 Why is the border of Western Australia not straight?
- #1258 Why do some dragonflies migrate so far?
- #1257 Is there anything that can eat plastic?
- #1256 Why did Constantinople fall?
- #1255 Did the Vikings get to America before Columbus?
- #1254 How would a Dyson sphere work?
- #1253 How did the Suez Crisis mark the end of British power?
- #1252 What is Littlewood’s law?
- #1251 How does CPR work?
- #1250 Who built the Smithsonian?
- #1249 What is Moravec’s paradox?
- #1248 What does a fuse do?
- #1247 Are thatched roofs good?
- #1246 What is a smart bullet?
- #1245 Why do we laugh?
- #1244 Why do koala eat eucalyptus leaves?
- #1243 What is the difference between an earl, a duke, a lord, and a knight?
- #1242 What is the birthday paradox?
- #1241 Do we need to eat more protein?
- #1240 Why is an overdose fatal?
- #1239 What are the mean, median, and mode?
- #1238 Why were India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh split?
- #1237 What is a pulsar?
- #1236 What is the Anthropocene?
- #1235 Is earwax actually wax?
- #1234 How is a pope elected?
- #1233 How do microplastics damage the body?
- #1232 Did the Treaty of Versailles cause World War 2?
- #1231 How do cats land on their feet?
- #1230 Why do we yawn?
- #1229 Is absinthe really hallucinogenic?
- #1228 Why are Stradivarius instruments good?
- #1227 How do trombones work?
- #1226 What is a hedge fund?
- #1225 Why did the Royal Society begin?
- #1224 What is a Ponzi scheme?
- #1223 Why do we see faces in everything?
- #1222 Why do your ears hurt on a plane?
- #1221 Why does copper kill bacteria?
- #1220 Why do cold batteries lose their charge?
- #1219 What is Prince Rupert’s drop?
- #1218 How does roasting coffee beans change their flavor?
- #1217 Why do we work Monday to Friday?
- #1216 What are the physics of roller coasters?
- #1215 How do bone conduction headphones work?
- #1214 Why did the samurai class end?
- #1213 Why do moths fly into candles?
- #1212 Why are all animals becoming crabs?
- #1211 Why are some materials brittle?
- #1210 When was the first world map made?
- #1209 Why can some people tolerate spicy food better than other people?
- #1208 Did pirates really bury treasure?
- #1207 Do fish sleep?
- #1206 How far can an iceberg float?
- #1205 How does a flare gun work?
- #1204 Why is the presidential inauguration on January 20th?
- #1203 Is space based solar power possible?
- #1202 How does promotion insurance work?
- #1201 What are war bonds?
- #1200 What are predator prey dynamics?
- #1199 How do mangrove trees live in saltwater?
- #1198 Is there any basis to the legend of Atlantis?
- #1197 What is a lava cricket?
- #1196 When was the compass invented?
- #1195 How can carbon be captured?
- #1194 What is the IoT?
- #1193 When was the first postal service?
- #1192 How does YouTube learn what I want to watch?
- #1191 How is nanotechnology used in medicine?
- #1190 How does Wi-Fi work?
- #1189 When did people start playing board games?
- #1188 Why was Genghis Khan so effective?
- #1187 Why do churches have stained glass windows?
- #1186 Why do people hoard?
- #1185 Did the spice trade change the world?
- #1184 Why does the year start on January 1st?
- #1183 What is a mycorrhizal network?
- #1182 How does a self-cleaning surface work?
- #1181 What caused the US dust bowl?
- #1180 How does our night vision work?
- #1179 What is the difference between coal, coke, and charcoal?
- #1178 Why are there only the Suez Canal and Panama Canal?
- #1177 Where did Christmas trees come from?
- #1176 Is there such a thing as true altruism?
- #1175 What is the Myers Briggs personality test?
- #1174 How do submarines navigate?
- #1173 Why did the war in Syria start?
- #1172 Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?
- #1171 Why are deserts cold at night?
- #1170 What happened at Roanoke?
- #1169 How would a brain machine interface work?
- #1168 How does an earthquake resistant building work?
- #1167 How do driverless cars navigate a city?
- #1166 What is the French Foreign Legion?
- #1165 Why do people procrastinate?
- #1164 What is a salt road?
- #1163 What is a tadpole shrimp?
- #1162 Why is the AK-47 so good?
- #1161 Does the placebo effect work?
- #1160 How can a person control a bionic limb?
- #1159 Why are the two Koreas still at war?
- #1158 Why can’t the immune system kill all bacteria or viruses?
- #1157 Why were coffeehouses important?
- #1156 Why are trousers / pants plural?
- #1155 How does a lie detector work?
- #1154 Where did 0 come from?
- #1153 Was the transition from silent movies to talkies difficult?
- #1152 Was the Trojan Horse real?
- #1151 Why were Roman roads so straight?
- #1150 What is the fast fashion graveyard?
- #1149 What is pirate radio?
- #1148 How can the James Webb Space Telescope see the past?
- #1147 What is vegetable oil?
- #1146 When did we start using lifeboats?
- #1145 Why does an oxyacetylene torch get so hot?
- #1144 Why does the bystander effect happen?
- #1143 Why do Oxford and Cambridge Universities have so many colleges?
- #1142 Who was Typhoid Mary?
- #1141 What causes a peanut allergy?
- #1140 Why do Monarch butterflies migrate so far?
- #1139 Where did the Great Fire of London start?
- #1138 How can we 3D print organs?
- #1137 Why does a memory palace work?
- #1136 Why are there so many camels in Australia?
- #1135 What is a supervolcano?
- #1134 What happened to the dodo?
- #1133 How did London Bridge end up in America?
- #1132 Why do rechargeable batteries lose power as they age?
- #1131 What is the oldest still spoken language?
- #1130 Why can warm air carry more moisture?
- #1129 What is snuff?
- #1128 Why does America use the Electoral College system?
- #1127 How does the color of a bird’s wings help it fly?
- #1126 How does the magnetic strip on a credit card work?
- #1125 Are electric planes possible?
- #1124 Why do planes use halon fire extinguishers?
- #1123 What caused the Irish potato famine?
- #1122 What is Angkor Wat?
- #1121 Why do peacocks have such long tails?
- #1120 Why does soap produce foam?
- #1119 Are pasta and noodles the same thing?
- #1118 Why is the Forbidden City forbidden?
- #1117 Why are many mushrooms dangerous?
- #1116 Why is a sandwich called a sandwich?
- #1115 Why do some fish create their own light?
- #1114 What is leukemia?
- #1113 Do larger animals have a faster metabolism?
- #1112 Do guilt and shame have a purpose?
- #1111 What is a thorium reactor?
- #1110 Why are the White Cliffs of Dover white?
- #1109 How do weight loss drugs work?
- #1108 How does a CT scan work?
- #1107 When did we start using taxis?
- #1106 How do ultramassive black holes form?
- #1105 What causes a fire tornado?
- #1104 Why can you graft onto a plant?
- #1103 How do you get a star in Hollywood?
- #1102 Is category 5 the strongest a hurricane can be?
- #1101 Why do we use A4 as a paper size?
- #1100 Does the Vatican have a secret library?
- #1099 Why do teeth have nerves?
- #1098 How good is an elephant’s sense of smell?
- #1097 How much weight could a human lift?
- #1096 How did the Great Lakes form?
- #1095 When were buses invented?
- #1094 What is a syrinx?
- #1093 Do Brazil nuts come from Brazil?
- #1092 Why are the majority of people right handed?
- #1091 How can a salamander regenerate?
- #1090 Why do they add a smell to gas?
- #1089 What shape is the Earth?
- #1088 How does a two-way mirror work?
- #1087 Are big leaves better than small leaves?
- #1086 When did diplomatic immunity start?
- #1085 What is the fastest insect?
- #1084 Why does the corpse plant smell so bad?
- #1083 When did people first use mirrors?
- #1082 Why doesn’t honey spoil?
- #1081 How do snakes use their tongues?
- #1080 How big could a plane or helicopter be?
- #1079 What is the difference between volts, amps, ohms, and watts?
- #1078 What are gallstones?
- #1077 What is fool’s gold?
- #1076 How did humans spread across the world?
- #1075 What happens if you drink too much water?
- #1074 What causes acid rain?
- #1073 How does carbon dating work?
- #1072 Why was the Cold War called a “cold” war?
- #1071 Why don’t army ants make nests?
- #1070 How quickly does your blood regenerate after you donate it?
- #1069 How long can a cable car be?
- #1068 Why does Canada have two official languages?
- #1067 Why are so many arrowheads made of flint?
- #1066 Why don’t bats get sick?
- #1065 What is a superconductor?
- #1064 Why did people think Australia was there?
- #1063 Why is there a statute of limitations?
- #1062 Why do volcanoes become dormant?
- #1061 What noise would the sun make?
- #1060 How did McCarthyism reach such a level?
- #1059 Why do some things smell good and some things smell bad?
- #1058 Why is Lake Titicaca so high up?
- #1057 Why is stainless steel stainless?
- #1056 What causes the monsoon?
- #1055 Why do we get diarrhea?
- #1054 Why does entropy happen?
- #1053 When did exams start?
- #1052 Why are coconut crabs so big?
- #1051 Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
- #1050 Why is carbon dioxide the main greenhouse gas?
- #1049 What is pneumonia?
- #1048 Why didn’t French decimal time last?
- #1047 What are tails for?
- #1046 When was the wheel invented?
- #1045 Why is Mexico City sinking?
- #1044 How do painkillers work?
- #1043 Why are flamingos pink?
- #1042 What causes an ice cream headache?
- #1041 Why do snails have teeth?
- #1040 Why is breakdancing called breakdancing?
- #1039 Why do male seahorses give birth?
- #1038 Manor, mansion, villa, stately home or hall?
- #0137 What is a cavity?
- #1036 Why did we lose all our fur?
- #1035 Why do flies buzz and cicadas and crickets chirp?
- #1034 What languages became English?
- #1033 How can hippos sleep underwater?
- #1032 Why do shoes smell?
- #1031 Why are mince pies called mince pies and why are puddings called puddings?
- #1030 Why are the police called cops?
- #1029 What is the Mercator projection?
- #1028 What were punks rebelling against?
- #1027 How do animals sense earthquakes?
- #1026 Why did the Louvre become a museum and art gallery?
- #1025 How can sunflowers clean up radiation?
- #1024 Why are more plane crashes survivable?
- #1023 What are the doldrums?
- #1022 Why is a duck-billed platypus so odd?
- #1021 How is a mongoose immune to snake venom?
- #1020 Why do we get déjà vu?
- #1019 How do planes refuel in the air?
- #1018 Why are the Secret Service in charge of protecting the president of the USA?
- #1017 How do rats find landmines?
- #1016 What is Zipf’s Law?
- #1015 How do our hearts and lungs work automatically?
- #1014 Who were Sotheby and Christie?
- #1013 Why can owls turn their heads so far?
- #1012 Why are Adidas and Puma rivals?
- #1011 What is talcum powder?
- #1010 What is Lou Gehrig’s disease?
- #1009 Does a tugboat tug?
- #1008 What is acid reflux?
- #1007 How quickly does a river cut through rock?
- #1006 How can a baseball player possibly hit the ball?
- #1005 Do bulls really hate red?
- #1004 Are plexiglass and fiberglass actually glass?
- #1003 What is a bookworm?
- #1002 What is the difference between AM and FM radio?
- #1001 What is a hernia?
- #1000 Are elephants the only source of ivory?
- #999 Why does walking become harder as we get older?
- #998 Why is the black market called the “black” market?
- #997 Is there a land speed record limit?
- #996 What are kosher and halal food?
- #995 What was Antarctica like before the snow?
- #994 How does braille work?
- #993 What is a guard llama?
- #992 Why did Mozart die so young?
- #991 How is a Formula 1 pit stop so fast?
- #990 Why does wine improve as it ages?
- #989 How can you tell if a planet has life?
- #988 Why did knights start wearing armor?
- #987 What caused the Great Vowel Shift?
- #986 Why do we die so quickly without water?
- #985 Can we eat insects?
- #984 Why do salmon swim upstream?
- #983 Why is an Academy Award called an Oscar?
- #982 What did the peppered moth do?
- #981 How many different eye colors do people have?
- #980 Why was the Great Wall of China built?
- #979 What is DDT?
- #978 How does a cheetah run so fast?
- #977 What does it mean to impeach a president?
- #976 What is the immortal jellyfish?
- #975 What causes malaria?
- #974 Can insects fly in the rain?
- #973 Were gunslingers real?
- #972 What happened to the Donner Party?
- #971 Which came first, the orange fruit or the color orange?
- #970 What is the biggest plant in the world?
- #969 What do tonsils do?
- #968 What causes dyslexia?
- #967 Why do prices always go up?
- #966 Did dinosaurs really have feathers?
- #965 Why do we have fingerprints?
- #964 Why are cockroaches so strong?
- #963 How does a quantum computer work?
- #962 Why was the abacus invented?
- #961 How does a telescope work?
- #960 Why doesn’t the Autobahn have a speed limit?
- #959 Why are Omega-3 fatty acids good for us?
- #958 Is modern art still modern?
- #957 What is baking soda?
- #956 Why can animals jump higher and farther than us?
- #955 Why does champagne have bubbles but wine doesn’t?
- #954 What is a blood diamond?
- #953 When does a seed start growing?
- #952 What are pyramids for?
- #951 Do piranhas eat meat?
- #950 Why did the Watergate Hotel cause the downfall of Nixon?
- #949 What is a megalopolis?
- #948 How do vending machines check money?
- #947 What is a rebreather?
- #946 How high can birds fly?
- #945 Is cocaine natural?
- #944 What happened to Kaiser Wilhelm?
- #943 How is silk made?
- #942 What could the 10 plagues in the bible have been?
- #941 Why can grasshoppers jump so high?
- #940 What is a failed state?
- #939 What is asbestos?
- #938 How does autofocus work?
- #937 How do polar bears find enough food?
- #936 How deep is the desert?
- #935 When did people start using passports?
- #934 Where did stoicism come from?
- #933 Was Robin Hood real?
- #932 How many countries are nuclear powers?
- #931 How does anthrax kill?
- #930 Why is there an obelisk in Rome?
- #929 What is impressionism?
- #928 How does a motion detector work?
- #927 Why are prunes a laxative?
- #926 Is there a planet beyond Neptune?
- #925 What is a zombie virus?
- #924 What happened to the water on other planets?
- #923 Why did the Chinese government move to Taiwan?
- #922 How does a rattlesnake rattle?
- #921 How much oil is left?
- #920 What are El Nino and La Nina?
- #919 How do birds land?
- #918 How does an oil pipeline pump oil so far?
- #917 When does history start?
- #916 How does a bicycle stay upright?
- #915 Geoffrey Chaucer – the Father of English Literature
- #914 Why is a plane’s propeller in front but a boat’s in back?
- #913 What is racketeering?
- #912 Why does sunburned skin peel?
- #911 What causes an epileptic seizure?
- #910 What is a metal?
- #909 What is a limited company and a shell company?
- #908 Johannes Gutenberg – inventor of the printing press
- #907 What will happen to the Voyager spacecraft?
- #906 Is moss one plant or many plants?
- #905 What is the difference between a slave and a serf?
- #904 Why do we hiccup?
- #903 Why does hair turn white?
- #902 Why does the medical symbol have a snake and a staff on it?
- #901 Alexander Cumming – inventor of the S-bend
- #900 Why are blueberries blue and strawberries red?
- #899 What is a crusade?
- #898 What is the golden ratio?
- #897 Why are poppies a symbol of remembrance?
- #896 How big was a Megalodon?
- #895 When did people start writing music down?
- #894 Shuji Nakamura – the inventor of the blue LED
- #893 How did America build so many Liberty ships in World War 2?
- #892 How many servers are in a data center?
- #891 What is the Ides of March?
- #890 Why are truffles so expensive?
- #889 What is Bitcoin?
- #888 When was the first drone?
- #887 Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman – creators of RSA encryption
- #886 How does the female lac bug make plastic?
- #885 How did Israel end up where it is?
- #884 What are the Queensberry rules?
- #883 Why did Tyrannosaurus rex have short arms?
- #882 What caused the Great Depression?
- #881 Who painted the Isleworth Mona Lisa?
- #880 Norman Ernest Borlaug – father of the Green Revolution
- #879 What happened to the Aral Sea?
- #878 What does paint primer do?
- #877 Why do we have a leap year?
- #876 Why does a golf ball have dimples?
- #875 What happened to Detroit?
- #874 Where does cork come from?
- #873 Henrietta Lacks – the source of the HeLa cell line
- #872 Why does dry ice fog sink?
- #871 How do animals find water?
- #870 Why does a pulley make weights easier to lift?
- #869 Can you live without a spleen?
- #868 How does an ejection seat work?
- #867 What is the upper limit of a speaker?
- #866 Nils Bohlin – inventor of the three-point seatbelt
- #865 Why do some birds have red eyes?
- #864 What causes the bends?
- #863 How does chilling a patient after cardiac arrest work?
- #862 What is a karat?
- #861 What was the Great Stink?
- #860 How does a monorail balance?
- #859 Maurice Hilleman – microbiologist specializing in vaccinology.
- #858 Is palm oil bad?
- #857 What is survivorship bias?
- #856 How do deep sea creatures see?
- #855 What is asthma?
- #854 What is VO2 max?
- #853 Why are there ten pins in bowling?
- #852 Henry Dunant – the founder of the Red Cross
- #851 What is St. Elmo’s fire?
- #850 What is the Fields Medal?
- #849 What are V1 and V2 on a plane?
- #848 What is the sunk cost fallacy?
- #847 What is a gluon?
- #846 Christiaan Huygens – inventor of the pendulum clock and the balance spring.
- #845 Why do we say, “pass the bar”?
- #844 How do sharks sense electricity?
- #843 What color is the sea?
- #842 Is a killer whale a whale?
- #841 Why does an atomic bomb make a mushroom cloud?
- #840 When were photographs first used in newspapers?
- #839 Joseph Lister – introduced antiseptics into surgery
- #838 Why is there such a difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic?
- #837 When did daylight savings time start?
- #836 How do some plants move?
- #835 Are any plastics biodegradable?
- #834 What is peat?
- #833 What is your risk of dying every year?
- #832 Otto Lilienthal – the first successful aviator
- #831 Why are tennis scores so peculiar?
- #830 What is the difference between bees and wasps?
- #829 Why do we have ears on the sides of our head?
- #828 What game has the best odds in a casino?
- #827 How does the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral support itself?
- #826 Why is looking at the sun dangerous?
- #825 Euclid – The Father of Geometry
- #824 How do noise cancelling headphones work?
- #823 What is a Luddite?
- #822 Will we ever end up with just one language?
- #821 Why can mantis shrimp see so many colors?
- #820 What are druids?
- #819 How does mortar keep the bricks together?
- #818 What is forensic facial reconstruction?
- #817 Why do birds need to see ultraviolet light?
- #816 Why did America lose the Vietnam War?
- #815 What is a spinning jenny?
- #814 What was the workhouse?
- #813 What is tea?
- #812 How old is Santa?
- #811 Why did prehistoric insects grow so big?
- #810 When was the first air conditioning invented?
- #809 What do worms do?
- #808 Do antibiotics kill all of the bacteria in the body?
- #807 Who were Smith and Wesson?
- #806 Can a binary star system have planets?
- #805 Why are clouds white?
- #804 What is the difference between a wigwam and a teepee?
- #803 Where do modern military ranks come from?
- #802 Do cows only eat grass?
- #801 Why is artificial sugar sweet?
- #800 What is a subprime mortgage?
- #799 How is salt mined?
- #798 Why are some people lactose intolerant?
- #797 How does a missile shield work?
- #796 Why does a cracked whip make a sound?
- #795 Why is there a plastic island in the Pacific Ocean?
- #794 How do weight loss drugs work?
- #793 How many people do you need for a revolution?
- #792 Why do beavers build dams?
- #791 What is a black swan event?
- #790 Are all stars inside galaxies?
- #789 Do the three laws of robotics need updating?
- #788 How do our organs stay where they are when we stand up?
- #787 Is “I think therefore I am” true?
- #786 Why do woodpeckers peck wood?
- #785 How can opera singers sing so loud?
- #784 How did a pterodactyl fly?
- #783 Why do we say “hack writer” and “quack doctor”?
- #782 Why did Michelangelo hide in a cellar?
- #781 How does cold reading work?
- #780 What is the steepest railway track a train can go up?
- #779 Why was the First World War fought in trenches but the Second World War wasn’t?
- #778 How was a mummy made?
- #777 What are “Spaghetti Westerns”?
- #776 How does an e-cigarette work?
- #775 Why don’t more animals use two legs?
- #774 Why do poppies make opium?
- #773 What are totem poles for?
- #772 How do hallucinations happen?
- #771 What was the underground railroad?
- #770 What is truth serum?
- #769 How does a pipe organ work?
- #768 What is the Hudson Bay Company?
- #767 When did Britain become an island?
- #766 How thick is the atmosphere?
- #765 What happened at the Bay of Pigs?
- #764 How does a TV screen display different colors?
- #763 When did ultra processed food start?
- #762 When were AD and BC decided?
- #761 What is a nebula?
- #760 Why do geese fly in a V-formation?
- #759 What is a geosynchronous orbit?
- #758 What are pork barrel projects?
- #757 What is price elasticity of demand?
- #756 How do flies perceive time?
- #755 What causes turbulence?
- #754 What is the difference between a herb and a spice?
- #753 Are lighthouses still necessary?
- #752 How does a Maglev train work?
- #751 What vegetables came from the New World?
- #750 What is flash memory?
- #749 Did Christopher Columbus really think he had landed in India?
- #748 Why does it rain in a rainforest?
- #747 Why do giant redwood trees grow so big?
- #746 Did Shakespeare write the plays attributed to him?
- #745 Does being cold or wet increase your chance of catching a cold?
- #744 Where and when did language originate?
- #743 Is a whale shark a whale or a shark?
- #742 Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean?
- #741 How fast could an electric car go?
- #740 What is the smallest mammal?
- #739 What is a codex?
- #738 Where did Freemasons come from?
- #737 Why does ice have so little friction?
- #736 Could telekinesis be possible?
- #735 What is an algorithm?
- #734 Why are emulsifiers used in processed food?
- #733 Why do some plants bloom at night?
- #732 Why was Mesopotamia the cradle of civilization?
- #731 Would President Lincoln have survived if he had been shot today?
- #730 How long do virus and bacteria live for?
- #729 How do night vision goggles work?
- #728 What is a sprain?
- #727 What is a speakeasy?
- #726 Why does Australia have so many dangerous animals?
- #725 What are stalagmites and stalactites?
- #724 When did sailing ships die out?
- #723 What is CRISPR?
- #722 Why does time go forward not backward?
- #721 Who was the first king?
- #720 How have sea levels changed over time?
- #719 How does an octopus’s suction cup work?
- #718 Why do shells form in different shapes?
- #717 Is there any historical evidence for Jesus?
- #716 How much height does a parachute need?
- #715 Do other planets have tectonic plates?
- #714 How are memories stored?
- #713 What is the difference between a frog and a toad?
- #712 What is a jungle?
- #711 Is a force field possible?
- #710 When was the first department store?
- #709 Why do we have capital letters?
- #708 What is the pH scale?
- #707 Why are bridges designed to move?
- #706 Why do we sneeze?
- #705 Why do many Americans drink coffee and many British people drink tea?
- #704 Why does iron rust?
- #703 Is a starfish a fish?
- #702 Why is mercury poisonous?
- #701 Do all liquids expand when they freeze?
- #700 How does a helicopter with two rotors work?
- #699 Why does a boomerang come back?
- #698 What is a nerve?
- #697 What are rare earth metals?
- #696 Why aren’t there flying boats anymore?
- #695 Why do British people say football and Americans say soccer?
- #694 Are symbiotic relationships always beneficial to both parties?
- #693 Why are electromagnets stronger than permanent magnets?
- #692 How thick is tank armor?
- #691 What causes a heat wave?
- #690 Why do some countries drive on the left?
- #689 How do steroids work?
- #688 Why can fish swim so fast?
- #687 Why are some beaches rocky and some sandy?
- #686 Why are bees transported across countries by truck?
- #685 What is the Streisand Effect?
- #684 Why was the Manhattan Project called the Manhattan Project?
- #683 What animals and insects are pollinators?
- #682 How does ceramic armor work?
- #681 Why do tattoos stay in the skin forever?
- #680 How does insulation in the home work?
- #679 Who invented the slide rule?
- #678 What is the Fermi paradox?
- #677 Why did the USSR collapse?
- #676 What are moles, freckles, and birthmarks?
- #675 Why did some dinosaurs have such long necks?
- #674 Are ants smart?
- #673 When did silent movies end?
- #672 How many Egyptian dynasties were there?
- #671 Why do people pass out from pain?
- #670 Why do we sing Auld Lang Syne at New Years?
- #669 Where is the Land of Punt?
- #668 What is the difference between slugs and snails?
- #667 What are food additives?
- #666 Why is sea level where it is?
- #665 How does Ransomware work?
- #664 What causes a stroke?
- #663 When did archaeology start?
- #662 Why do ducks float?
- #661 Are ants and termites the same thing?
- #660 Is Earth an open or closed system?
- #659 Why were the Terracotta Warriors buried?
- #658 Why is Broadway so long?
- #657 How do facial expressions work?
- #656 Are Inner and Outer Mongolia separate countries?
- #655 How was the meter (metre) defined?
- #654 Why is the Grand Canyon so deep?
- #653 What will happen at the end of the universe?
- #652 Why does blood show up under UV light?
- #651 Why do stick insects look like plants?
- #650 Why is 0 longitude in London?
- #649 How much wind does a wind turbine need?
- #648 When did cave paintings first appear?
- #647 How does a 3D printer work?
- #646 Why are deserts cold at night?
- #645 How quickly do bones biodegrade?
- #644 How does an iron remove wrinkles from clothes?
- #643 What makes things sticky?
- #642 When did people start wearing wedding rings?
- #641 Why is carbon-based life common?
- #640 How do spiders make webs?
- #639 What is the difference between a moth and a butterfly?
- #638 What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
- #637 How does cacao become chocolate?
- #636 What is the difference between socialism and communism?
- #635 Why do some trees make rubber?
- #634 Do the gulags still exist?
- #633 What is botulism?
- #632 What is the difference between a castle, a fort, and a palace?
- #631 When did people start using soap?
- #630 Where did the Democratic and Republican parties come from?
- #629 What is the immortal hydra?
- #628 When did people start using nails?
- #627 How can giraffes have such long necks?
- #626 What is the Great Attractor?
- #625 What causes Parkinson’s disease?
- #624 How do cactuses survive in the desert?
- #623 What are bruises?
- #622 What is the difference between DVD and Blu-Ray?
- #621 How long do black holes last?
- #620 Why do Greenland sharks live so long?
- #619 Why don’t shipping containers fall off ships?
- #618 What causes the “wall” when running?
- #617 How does a heat-seeking missile work?
- #616 Why do hyenas have long necks?
- #615 Is cryosleep possible?
- #614 How much can a bladder hold?
- #613 What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?
- #612 Why does bread need yeast?
- #611 How does an ion thruster work?
- #610 Why do we say eleven and twelve, and first, second and third?
- #609 When did people start eating chickens?
- #608 How does a breathalyzer work?
- #607 Why can a Peregrine falcon fly so fast?
- #606 Why do cameras have mirrors?
- #605 How can an eagle see so far?
- #604 Why is lead poisonous?
- #603 How do people predict the weather?
- #602 How long did it take for the sun to get hot?
- #601 When did oxygen appear on Earth?
- #600 What is a marsh and a swamp?
- #599 Why do crabs walk sideways?
- #598 Why was the Hoover Dam so difficult to build?
- #597 What was the last Apollo mission?
- #596 How can we catch a ball without looking at it?
- #595 Why does the house always win in a casino?
- #594 Why do we lose our voice when we are sick?
- #593 What is the difference between a forest, a wood, and a copse?
- #592 Why is Las Vegas in the desert?
- #591 How big and how small can a mammal be?
- #590 How does a joint replacement work?
- #589 Where was the first artificial dam?
- #588 What are runes?
- #587 How does animal camouflage work?
- #586 Can a tortoise live without its shell?
- #585 What causes muscle cramps?
- #584 Why do cars only have five gears?
- #583 Why are some animals cold-blooded?
- #582 How high can a plane and a helicopter fly?
- #581 What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
- #580 How is an addict’s brain different to a non-addict’s?
- #579 How do pythons kill their prey?
- #578 How is sewage treated?
- #577 Where did Jazz come from?
- #576 Could Earth survive without the moon?
- #575 How does a speedometer work?
- #574 Why is a strike called a “strike”?
- #573 Where is the source of the Nile?
- #572 What makes our joints pop and click?
- #571 What is the difference between carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores?
- #570 How small is nanotechnology?
- #569 What is the oldest stone circle in the world?
- #568 Why don’t we move when we’re dreaming?
- #567 What happens in your brain when you learn a second language?
- #566 Who owns the North Pole and the South Pole?
- #565 Why does beer have alcohol?
- #564 What is the Jevons Paradox?
- #563 What is an anchorite?
- #562 Why can blowing up a balloon make you pass out?
- #561 Are all bones made of calcium?
- #560 What is the difference between short and long-term memory?
- #559 What is high fructose corn syrup?
- #558 How did the Vatican become a country?
- #557 How does a naval mine work?
- #556 Why are hammerhead sharks shaped like that?
- #555 How is decaffeinated coffee made?
- #554 What is a sponge?
- #553 How would a cure for cancer work?
- #552 Why are organ transplants so difficult?
- #551 Why is there so much gold in Fort Knox?
- #550 Why are flowers different colors?
- #549 How much space junk is there?
- #548 How do fireflies glow?
- #547 How is the Internet connected between countries?
- #546 How does a cochlear implant work?
- #545 When did April Fools’ Day start?
- #544 Was Ferdinand Magellan really the first person to circumnavigate the world?
- #543 What is lichen?
- #542 Why does the USA use the dollar?
- #541 What is the difference between a petrol engine and a diesel engine?
- #540 What makes our hands different to other animals?
- #539 Why are UK public schools actually private schools?
- #538 How do millipedes control their legs?
- #537 Why do fingernails keep growing?
- #536 How is Easter calculated?
- #535 Why is a broken neck fatal?
- #534 What happened to biplanes and triplanes?
- #533 Why is Greenland part of Denmark?
- #532 Why are clouds at different heights?
- #531 How do some animals walk up walls?
- #530 What is hyperthermia?
- #529 Is a photographic memory real?
- #528 Why do insects have an exoskeleton?
- #527 Why are there 12 signs of the Zodiac?
- #526 Why do eyes get worse with age?
- #525 When did people start using flushing toilets?
- #524 What causes narcolepsy?
- #523 How strong is armadillo armor?
- #522 Why can’t we fix frostbite?
- #521 How are foods frozen?
- #520 Is a psychopath’s brain different?
- #519 How does C-4 work?
- #518 How do mountain goats climb cliffs?
- #517 How do astronomers work out how far away a star is?
- #516 How did the Rothchild family start?
- #515 Why can you test for drugs in urine?
- #514 Why can camels go so long without water?
- #513 Is Krav Maga effective?
- #512 How can the inner core of the Earth switch rotation?
- #511 How does a laser printer work?
- #510 Can you see past the horizon?
- #509 Why do dry rooms have more static?
- #508 What is the range of a cell phone tower?
- #507 What causes a bunged-up nose and a runny nose?
- #506 How is blood pressure measured?
- #505 How do you get water to the top of a skyscraper?
- #504 What cause rigor mortis?
- #503 Why was the FBI formed?
- #502 Why does the body produce fat?
- #501 What is a hollow-point bullet?
- #500 How do fluorescent lights work?
- #499 How does computer encryption work?
- #498 Can you eat the skin of all fruit and vegetables?
- #497 Why is Washington DC the capital of the United States?
- #496 How does a nuclear bomb work?
- #495 When did the British empire end?
- #494 What causes a tsunami?
- #493 When did globalization start?
- #492 Why did early humans leave Africa?
- #491 Do any other animals cry?
- #490 Why do soldiers break stride on a bridge?
- #489 How do glaciers move?
- #488 What are the four fundamental forces?
- #487 Why do some things bounce and other things don’t?
- #486 How does a canal lock work?
- #485 How do parrots talk?
- #484 What was the Royal African Company?
- #483 Does blood volume decrease if a limb is amputated?
- #482 What is a Distributed Denial of Service attack?
- #481 Why can’t all animals be domesticated?
- #480 Why do ostriches have two kneecaps?
- #479 Why are university degrees called a bachelor’s, a master’s and a doctorate?
- #478 How wild was the Wild West?
- #477 How can planes fly upside down?
- #476 Why is hypothermia dangerous?
- #475 How does aspirin work?
- #474 What was the first insurance company?
- #473 How many dimensions are there?
- #472 How did Galileo realize that the Earth orbits the sun?
- #471 How was the Great Pyramid at Giza built?
- #470 When was the first subway built?
- #469 Why doesn’t silicone melt in the oven?
- #468 What is cotton?
- #467 What is a solid-state battery?
- #466 Why are carrots orange?
- #465 How does LSD work?
- #464 How does a hydrogen fuel cell work?
- #463 Why does hot air rise?
- #462 When were glasses invented?
- #461 Why is there a sunken continent underneath New Zealand?
- #460 How is volcanic ash made and how dangerous is it?
- #459 Why do we say “born to the purple”? What is Tyrian purple?
- #458 What causes pins and needles?
- #457 Is an Olympic gold medal really made of gold?
- #456 When did people start using glass for windows?
- #455 Why do we have goosebumps?
- #454 Why do we still have wisdom teeth if we don’t need them?
- #453 When were sunglasses invented?
- #452 What is the densest material in the universe?
- #451 What were the moa and what happened to them?
- #450 Why is oil measured in barrels?
- #449 What are contact lenses made of?
- #448 Why is Christmas on December 25th?
- #447 When did people start having lawns outside their houses?
- #446 What causes thunder?
- #445 Was there really going to be a black Taj Mahal?
- #444 How does wireless charging work?
- #443 Why are people left-handed or right-handed?
- #442 Why can humans throw so fast?
- #441 Why are Quakers the reason we have fixed prices?
- #440 Why is the Gutenberg Bible special?
- #439 When were pencils invented?
- #438 Why are katana blades curved?
- #437 How does a caterpillar become a butterfly?
- #436 Who made the first English dictionary?
- #435 What makes rain smell?
- #434 Why do we have a coccyx?
- #433 Does the Oort cloud exist?
- #432 How does dry cleaning work?
- #431 Why do the leaves on a tree change color in the autumn (fall)?
- #430 Why does smoke inhalation kill people?
- #429 Why do our stomachs grumble?
- #428 Why are stealth bombers invisible?
- #427 How far will the Voyager probes go?
- #426 What is the difference between snowflakes and hail?
- #425 How does an air fryer work?
- #424 How do mammals keep warm in the winter?
- #423 Why are there twelve months in a year?
- #422 What causes quicksand?
- #421 How many revolutions has France had?
- #420 What is in toothpaste?
- #419 What are the four laws of thermodynamics?
- #418 How does a laser work?
- #417 Why are rubies red, emeralds green, and sapphires blue?
- #416 Who was Molotov and why was the Molotov cocktail named after him?
- #415 How does a Geiger counter work?
- #414 Why do fish have scales?
- #413 How do throat lozenges work?
- #412 How do fish breathe underwater?
- #411 Why don’t cats knock things over?
- #410 How do sparklers work?
- #409 Why is the Dead Sea so salty?
- #408 How thick are Saturn’s rings?
- #407 How do scales work?
- #406 Who invented the skateboard?
- #405 Do ants need to sleep?
- #404 How does the heating element in a toaster work?
- #403 When was corrugated cardboard first used?
- #402 What is the tallest a mountain can be?
- #401 What exactly is cubism?
- #400 Why do we get a headache when we are dehydrated?
- #399 When did people first start using locks and keys?
- #398 Can you cure male-pattern baldness?
- #397 How long does a 747’s runway need to be?
- #396 How does caffeine stop you from feeling sleepy?
- #395 Why are rabbit ears so long?
- #394 Why does drinking milk help after eating spicy food?
- #393 Why do we get jet lag?
- #392 Why are there many different types of screw head?
- #391 How does LiDAR help archaeologists?
- #390 Why do mustard and wasabi make your nose hurt?
- #389 Why are sunsets such beautiful colors?
- #388 How do metal detectors work?
- #387 What is the smallest thing an electron microscope can see?
- #386 How does body armor work?
- #385 Why do mosquito bites itch?
- #384 What is chewing gum made of and what happens if you swallow it?
- #383 How do LED lights produce different colors?
- #382 When did we start using tarmac (asphalt) on roads?
- #381 Why is glass transparent?
- #380 How quickly are the continents moving apart?
- #379 Can the Mona Lisa ever be sold?
- #378 What is & called and why?
- #377 What is a Scramjet?
- #376 How can paints be different colors?
- #375 When did people start wearing wristwatches?
- #374 Why does a chicken’s head stay perfectly still when you move its body around?
- #373 Does ABS reduce fatalities in car accidents?
- #372 How does a smoke detector work?
- #371 When did the last woolly mammoth disappear?
- #370 How long have humans been using rope?
- #369 Why is New York called New York?
- #368 How much maple tree sap do you need to make 1 liter of maple syrup?
- #367 Why are steam burns worse than boiling water burns?
- #366 How did the neck verse save people from being hanged in England?
- #365 How big would the sun be from the surface of Mercury and from the surface of Neptune?
- #364 Why do people have different blood types?
- #363 Why are traffic lights red, yellow, and green?
- #362 Why can we eat lettuce and spinach, but we can’t eat leaves and grass?
- #361 Why were alarm clocks the first consumer goods to stop being rationed during World War 2?
- #360 When were latitude and longitude invented?
- #359 Why do we say north, east, south, and west?
- #358 Where did the circus come from?
- #357 How are tower cranes assembled?
- #356 Why does an elastic band stretch?
- #355 How does antibiotic resistance happen?
- #354 How does a skeleton key work?
- #353 When did supermarkets start?
- #352 How do reflexes work?
- #351 What is the Doppler effect?
- #350 How do amphibians breathe underwater?
- #349 When were credit cards invented?
- #348 What are the Crown Jewels?
- #347 How did the Polynesians navigate?
- #346 What was the Carrington Event?
- #345 What causes brain damage?
- #344 How did the Black Death change society?
- #343 How did the Black Death spread?
- #342 When was shampoo invented?
- #341 How does a parachute work?
- #340 How much blood can you lose?
- #339 Why do we say boycott?
- #338 When was the Roman forum built?
- #337 Why is PM 2.5 dangerous?
- #336 Why are diamonds so expensive?
- #335 Why did the Mayan civilization collapse?
- #334 When was the penny first used?
- #333 How do fossils form?
- #332 Do cyanide pills kill as quickly as in the movies?
- #331 What is the opposite of white?
- #330 Can we cover the Sahara Desert in solar panels?
- #329 Why does popcorn pop?
- #328 Why do we get hot when we exercise?
- #327 What is a central bank?
- #326 Could a Formula One car drive upside down?
- #325 Why do some liquids burn and others don’t?
- #324 Could penguins fly in the past?
- #323 How do chemotherapy and radiation therapy work?
- #322 Why do dragonflies have four wings?
- #321 How does a pressure cooker work?
- #320 How does a refrigerator cool food?
- #319 Why does metal spark in a microwave oven?
- #318 How long has the Sahara been a desert?
- #317 How does crop rotation work?
- #316 How does a steam engine work?
- #315 How tall could a skyscraper be?
- #314 When did the Egyptian Empire start to decline?
- #313 Where did the names of the continents come from?
- #312 What is virgin olive oil?
- #311 How does an EEG (electroencephalogram) work?
- #310 Why were the Wright brothers able to fly in 1903?
- #309 Is nuclear waste dangerous?
- #308 Why did the Olympics restart in 1896?
- #307 How does an AED work?
- #306 Why are we running out of helium?
- #305 When happens when you are bitten by a venomous snake?
- #304 Why can we only hear certain frequencies?
- #303 Where does space end?
- #302 Where does space start?
- #301 When were the first binmen / garbagemen?
- #300 How do hummingbirds flap their wings so fast?
- #299 How does a photocopier work?
- #298 How big was the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs?
- #297 Why do ant bites hurt?
- #296 Could nuclear fusion power the Earth?
- #295 When did people start using punctuation?
- #294 Why do we get headaches?
- #293 How does a rocket engine work?
- #292 What makes us itch?
- #291 Is irradiated food safe?
- #290 Why does UHT milk last so long?
- #289 Where did Arabic numerals come from?
- #288 Why do women live longer than men?
- #287 How do you build a tunnel underwater?
- #286 What did the last emperor of China do later in life?
- #285 How much of your liver can you live without?
- #284 When did people start eating cereal for breakfast?
- #283 Why are some places more humid than others?
- #282 When was the first passenger train?
- #281 Why do horses need horseshoes?
- #280 How does fly spray work?
- #279 How does a virus infect the body?
- #278 How does a desalination plant work?
- #277 When was instant coffee invented?
- #276 Why do mosquitoes come out at night?
- #275 How does radiation sickness happen?
- #274 How is scaffolding attached to a building?
- #273 How were the Nazca Lines made?
- #272 Why did the Iron Age start?
- #271 Why do pandas eat bamboo?
- #270 What was the Tunguska event?
- #269 When were the first lawyers?
- #268 What are vitamins?
- #267 Why did Rome become a republic?
- #266 Who invented ice cream?
- #265 What is a superfluid?
- #264 Why are the aurora borealis those colors?
- #263 Why do trees have rings?
- #262 What is hardtack?
- #261 When did people first start using paper money?
- #260 How do some animals sleep standing up?
- #259 How does a hand grenade work?
- #258 How can a laser power a solar sail?
- #257 Who was the first war correspondent?
- #256 What is the Richter scale?
- #255 Why is the surface tension of water so high?
- #254 Who burned down the Library of Alexandria?
- #253 How does G-force kill people?
- #252 Why do some planets have rings?
- #251 What is insulin?
- #250 Was Nero as bad as people say?
- #249 When did people start using coal?
- #248 How does a touchscreen work?
- #247 When was the expression “mayday” first used?
- #246 When did cars start using headlights (headlamps)?
- #245 Why are American and British accents different?
- #244 When did the law of manslaughter start?
- #243 Why did the Ottoman Empire end?
- #242 How does a spray bottle work?
- #241 Why does chloroform knock people out?
- #240 How does bleach turn clothes white?
- #239 Why are signals from intelligent life so hard to hear?
- #238 Who was the first pope?
- #237 How do extremophiles survive?
- #236 Why are tardigrades so tough?
- #235 When did rationing in the UK end after World War 2?
- #234 Why do skunks smell so bad?
- #233 How does a porcupine shoot its quills?
- #232 Who was Zapruder?
- #231 Why do sloths move so slowly?
- #230 Why were only seven wonders of the ancient world chosen?
- #229 How did the Sahara Desert get so big?
- #228 What was the South Sea Bubble?
- #227 Is there a black hole at the center of every galaxy?
- #226 When did bankruptcy laws start?
- #225 What is the Kola borehole?
- #224 Why can animals run so fast?
- #223 What did the Magna Carta do?
- #222 How does a hydraulic system work?
- #221 What is the difference between sonar and radar?
- #220 Why did Hawai’i become a US state?
- #219 Why don’t deep sea fish get crushed by the pressure?
- #218 How deep can a submarine go?
- #217 How does bulletproof glass work?
- #216 What is antimatter?
- #215 What happened to the Dutch East India Company?
- #214 What is a quark?
- #213 What is the language gene, FOXP2?
- #212 What is a Higgs boson?
- #211 What is a dwarf galaxy?
- #210 What problems does aging in humans cause?
- #209 How do statins work?
- #208 How do cows produce milk?
- #207 What is the gambler’s fallacy?
- #206 Why do things taste different?
- #205 When was the first stamp?
- #204 What causes a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP)?
- #203 How does a pacemaker work?
- #202 What was Sumerian Cuneiform script?
- #201 Why can fish drink saltwater but we can’t?
- #200 Why are plants green?
- #199 What effect did the 1815 Mt. Tambora eruption have?
- #198 Why do the sun’s poles flip every 11 years?
- #197 What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot?
- #196 When did the CIA start?
- #195 How do fiber optic cables work?
- #194 When did people start using tissues?
- #193 How many times can you recycle something?
- #192 How does a pearl form?
- #191 What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
- #190 What is the core of Jupiter like?
- #189 Why does our voice change when we inhale helium?
- #188 What was the Teapot Dome scandal?
- #187 Is it possible to make a new element?
- #186 What is vellum?
- #185 What started the California Gold Rush?
- #184 When did the Roman Empire end?
- #183 Could Mars be terraformed?
- #182 How do pineapples grow?
- #181 Why are some metals not magnetic?
- #180 Where did the Stetson hat come from?
- #179 How do we vomit?
- #178 How many species of human have their been?
- #177 What happened to the Hindenburg?
- #176 How did Rasputin gain so much influence over Tsar Nicholas II of Russia?
- #175 When was the parachute invented?
- #174 How did New Delhi become the capital of India?
- #173 Why does gravity exist?
- #172 Why does concrete go hard?
- #171 Why do octopuses have blue blood?
- #170 What is a concussion?
- #169 When did the UK finish paying its World War 1 and 2 debts?
- #168 Will we lose our moon?
- #167 Is Antarctica a desert?
- #166 How does bamboo grow so fast?
- #165 How do humans make energy from food?
- #164 Why did Russia sell Alaska to the United States?
- #163 Why did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand start World War 1?
- #162 What causes Alzheimer’s Disease?
- #161 What is a nut?
- #160 What is West Point?
- #159 How does a battery work
- #158 How could dinosaurs grow so big?
- #157 When did we start using fire extinguishers?
- #156 How does superglue work?
- #155 What is Reuters?
- #154 What is liquefied natural gas?
- #153 What is the dark web and how does it work?
- #152 What is the difference between Celsius, Centigrade, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin?
- #151 How do run-flat tires work?
- #150 What is Polaris?
- #149 Why do cats sleep for so long?
- #148 What is a tokamak?
- #147 Why did the Bronze Age start?
- #146 How do gas masks work?
- #145 Why did the Portuguese royal family end up in Brazil?
- #144 How do people know the age of the universe?
- #143 When did people start putting drinks in cans?
- #142 Why do Venus and Uranus spin the wrong way?
- #141 Where did the stones of Stonehenge come from?
- #140 How does an eraser work?
- #139 What are the six great mass extinction events?
- #138 Did pirates really use the Jolly Roger flag?
- #137 What are stem cells and how do they work?
- #136 What is a letter of marque?
- #135 How does Bluetooth work?
- #134 How does Valium (diazepam) work on the brain?
- #133 Is coral a plant or an animal?
- #132 When did the Mafia come to America?
- #131 How does a machine gun work?
- #130 Why do we have 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute?
- #129 Why is the speed of light 299,792,458 m/s?
- #128 Does Moore’s Law still apply today?
- #127 How does cancer kill people?
- #126 Is a space elevator possible?
- #125 What was Machu Picchu built for?
- #124 What makes the body produce a fever?
- #123 When did UK prime ministers start living in 10 Downing Street?
- #122 What are wormholes?
- #121 When did people start making jam?
- #120 Why was gin sold from a cat in London in 1739?
- #119 What is dark matter?
- #118 What exactly is pykrete?
- #117 Could a society without money work?
- #116 Why did people storm the Bastille on July 14, 1789?
- #115 What is nuclear pasta?
- #114 What happened to smallpox?
- #113 Why did Thomas Edison use bamboo in his light bulb?
- #112 When did people first start getting married?
- #111 Why don’t evergreen trees lose their leaves in the winter?
- #110 Why doesn’t the Malthusian theory of population apply today?
- #109 What is graphene and why is it so important?
- #108 Why is the official kilogram in France no longer used?
- #107 Did Adolf Hitler have any brothers or sisters?
- #106 What does the Milky Way Galaxy orbit?
- #105 Why do we use the word Vikings?
- #104 How do cats retract their claws and why can’t other animals?
- #103 Why do we use those measurements for shoe sizes?
- #102 Why do we use miles as a unit of measurement
- #101 Why can’t light escape from a black hole?
- #100 Who came up with the phrase “flight or fight”?
- #99 What is a Lagrange point?
- #98 Why is cold fusion not possible?
- #97 What are mail fraud and wire fraud?
- #96 When was the first dentist?
- #95 What happened to the ice industry?
- #94 What is the caliber of a gun cartridge?
- #93 Is it possible to get absolute zero?
- #92 Why do bees make honey?
- #91 How did the Rosetta stone help people decipher hieroglyphics?
- #90 When did people in Europe start eating sugar?
- #89 How does the Large Hadron Collider work?
- #88 Why is Venice where it is?
- #87 How do stars die?
- #86 When did people start using aircraft carriers?
- #85 When did people start using money?
- #84 Why is London where it is?
- #83 How does a quartz watch work?
- #82 Why is skin waterproof?
- #81 Why do whales make sounds?
- #80 Why do we say Middle Ages and Dark Ages?
- #79 Can dogs smell cancer?
- #78 Why were steam cars so popular in 1900?
- #77 How did dogs change when they were domesticated?
- #76 When were the first dinosaur bones found?
- #75 How does a QR code work?
- #74 Why do tectonic plates move?
- #73 How do solar panels generate electricity?
- #72 How can whales hold their breath for so long?
- #71 How do jellyfish survive without a brain?
- #70 How do animals change color?
- #69 How does a gyroscope work?
- #68 What is the Drake equation?
- #67 Why do we use a QWERTY keyboard?
- #66 How much time does the Panama Canal save a ship?
- #65 How can bats sleep hanging upside down?
- #64 What is the difference between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC)?
- #63 Why do we feel pain when we touch cold or hot things?
- #62 Why are zippers called zippers?
- #61 How do antlers grow?
- #60 Why do birds migrate?
- #59 Why do we say “the press” to refer to journalists and newspapers?
- #58 How tall could a human grow?
- #57 How does spot welding work and what is it used for?
- #56 Why is gold so rare?
- #55 Where does Black Friday originate?
- #54 Why can cats jump so high?
- #53 What are the blue bits in blue cheese?
- #52 Who won the first Nobel Peace Prize?
- #51 Where did the symbol for the Red Cross come from?
- #50 How do white blood cells kill pathogens?
- #49 Why are butlers called butlers?
- #48 Why is Earl Grey tea called Earl Grey?
- #47 What exactly is yogurt?
- #46 Why was the teabag invented?
- #45 Why is slime mold so awesome?
- #44 Why is Mars red?
- #43 How does an MRI work?
- #42 Why is the Colosseum called the “Colosseum”?
- #41 Why do we become addicted to nicotine?
- #40 How does GPS know where I am?
- #39 How do broken bones heal?
- #38 Why was the Berlin Wall first built?
- #37 Why did we start using time zones?
- #36 How do kidney stones form?
- #35 How do fireworks work?
- #34 Why do ships float?
- #33 What are the 5 types of civilization?
- #32 Why do wounds heal with scars?
- #31 Why are Neanderthals called “Neanderthals”?
- #30 How does a Venus flytrap know when to close?
- #29 Why will people happily wait in a queue?
- #28 Why can’t we see color at night?
- #27 Why would we have evolved with our esophagus and windpipe so close together that we can choke?
- #26 How did the invention of the horse collar change society?
- #25 Why is Wall Street called Wall Street?
- #24 What causes water mirages and heat hazes?
- #23 How do electric eels make electricity
- #22 Why was the piano invented?
- #21 How do TV remote controllers work?
- #20 Do cats blink?
- #19 Are hurricanes and tornados the same thing?
- #18 Why isn’t Pluto a planet?
- #17 What happens when animals hibernate? Is it the same as sleeping?
- #16 Where do the plus, minus, multiplication, and division symbols come from?
- #15 How is food canned?
- #14 How is leather made? Why is it so strong?
- #13 How does a gun silencer work?
- #12 How does alcohol make us drunk?
- #11 How did the elevator change our lives?
- #10 What causes seasickness?
- #9 How can an airbag inflate so quickly?
- #8 How can Vantablack be so black?
- #7 How do salting and pickling preserve food?
- #6 Why does the Earth have seasons?
- #5 Why are labradors used as guide dogs?
- #4 How can vultures eat rotten meat and not get sick?
- #3 Why did men start wearing neckties?
- #2 Where did ketchup come from? What did it have to do with mushrooms?
- #1 Who invented sliced bread?